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IRON CloudBoxx Solution

CloudBoxxTM Microsoft Converged Branch Office Solution

IRON CloudBoxx Solution Collapses all the Services
required by branch offices into a small footprint

Server & Storage Virtualization, Security, Cloud Access, VDI,
Network Routing, WAN Optimization, Voice, Identity

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CloudBoxx™ Microsoft Converged Infrastructure Solution for Small Business and Branch Office

CloudBoxxTM Microsoft Branch Office Cloud Appliance
Consolidate infrastructure, adds intelligence and enables server consolidation. CloudBoxx eliminates the need for multiple residual servers and acceleration only products in the branch, delivering strong business returns on your investment.

Microsoft Branch Services

Deliver full-fidelity Microsoft services from the same unified branch office appliance that delivers great application performance. CloudBoxxTM provides local printing, authentication services including Domain Controller, updates and networking services locally so users in the branch enjoy the same level of service and performance as they would in the data center.

CloudBoxx: Unified Application Delivery Infrastructure

CloudBoxx introduces the next generation branch office: WAFS and WAN optimization working in concert - without one compromising the other - in a single device that streamlines operations and maximizes performance at a fraction of the cost of today’s branch office. Think of CloudBoxx as a virtual main office, where corporate data center centralization and data protection meet application visibility, quality of service (QoS) and IT services at the branch utilizing CloudBoxx’s unique Dual Plane architecture. And, as a Microsoft technology solution built on application intelligence, CloudBoxx radically improves application performance and data access while protecting from the effects of latency, congestion and aggressive recreational applications. CloudBoxx integrates deep visibility, intelligent acceleration, Microsoft services, application QoS and zero day protection int


Modern Branch Office Dilemma: Wanting It All

Today’s branch office demands high performance from all of your business-critical applications - Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), files, e-mail and telephony - in an increasingly consolidated IT environment. Not easy to accomplish when centralization forces you to intensify WAN dependency for application delivery and file access, with corresponding performance and complexity issues. Slow file access, low quality IP telephony and unreliable ERP applications serve to undermine consolidation’s security, compliance, simplicity and cost benefits.

Data integrity and application performance in conflict

The real challenge lies in meeting branch office worker performance imperatives while still protecting data integrity in a centralized system - something that, until now, seemed virtually impossible. Previously, your only options were to collectively deploy dedicated WAFS appliances and point acceleration products to achieve these ends, with painful results. WAFS and WAN optimization often work in conflict; WAFS may slow things down, while optimization can undercut security and compliance.

  • Microsoft Network Storage
  • Microsoft Hyper-V Server Virtualization
  • Microsoft Data Protection
  • Microsoft Unified Remote Access
  • Microsoft Virtual & Remote Desktop
  • Microsoft Threat Management Gateway
  • Riverbed WAN Optimization & QoS
  • Microsoft Azure Cloud Integration
  • Amazon AWS Cloud Integration

Consolidate Branch Office IT without Compromise or Cost

Control, Realize the promise of a true branch office infrastructure consolidation by bringing data center services to the branch - removing complexity, centralizing applications, consolidating storage, converging voice and video and slashing branch operational costs.

Intelligent Acceleration

Overcome protocol and WAN latency as well as reduce the amount of data traveling to the branch - to speed up large file transfers and web-based applications leveraging IRON Intelligent Acceleration. Native Common Internet File System (CIFS)-based protocol acceleration strips latency from Windows® file serving while preserving Microsoft compliance, on the first pass, while compression boosts performance and dramatically reduces file access time. CloudBoxxTM automatically and transparently ensures the best performance for frequently accessed data with its self-managing cache.

Eliminate residual branch servers with single appliance simplicity

CloudBoxx’s single unified appliance simplicity provides true branch infrastructure consolidation with the only file-aware WAFS implementation with coherent, read/write least recently used (LRU) RAID-backed caching at branch locations. With localized delivery of native Microsoft print, Systems Management Server (SMS), DNS/DHCP and Domain Controller, you can eliminate all residual remote servers from branch locations.

Get Back in Control of Storage Growth and Uncertain Backup Processes

CloudBoxxTM Advanced Services fully and continuously synchronizes files between sites, delivering fast file access and application acceleration without negatively impacting users or security. Based on full-fidelity Microsoft Windows Server® technologies, CloudBoxxTM fully integrates with all native Microsoft networking, sharing, management and security processes. Critical file, security, backup and storage are safe and sound.

WAN Performance for Your Business-Critical Applications from Riverbed and Silver Creek

Control, protect and provide LAN-like delivery of centralized data, services and critical business applications at your branch office locations. CloudBoxx leverages Deep Layer 7 Plus visibility, application intelligent QoS and intelligent acceleration to ensure the availability and highest performance of applications that matter most to your users while curtailing the impact of non-business network

Network Benefits

  • The Internet is increasingly being used as the WAN infrastructure.  WAN optimization reduces the reliability and performance variations
  • Network propagation delays and packet losses can cause substantial perceived performance issues even in with high bandwidth connections.  The embedded WAN optimization features greatly reduce these variations and can provide a near local user experience
  • Application acceleration is provided for hundreds of applications

Application Performance Acceleration




Discover what’s on your network and apply the right optimization tools to the right applications with industry-leading Deep Layer 7 Plus technology. CloudBoxx analyzes traffic running across your WAN, inspecting it at all layers of the protocol stack and identifies and classifies over 600 applications for intelligent use of CloudBoxx QoS and acceleration features.



Application QoS

Take QoS beyond queuing and port-based marking to cure network congestion causing slow branch office response times and to ensure service levels for key applications. CloudBoxx provides the application intelligence needed to protect availability and fine-tune application performance - all while containing recreational and malicious traffic. With CloudBoxx QoS, apply the rules and controls to match bandwidth allocation with business needs.


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