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Windows Server 2012 R2

DirectAccess Deep Dive Training at TechMentor 2014

It is with great pleasure that I announce that I’ll be delivering a comprehensive, three-hour deep-dive training session at the TechMentor 2014 conference this year. The conference will be held August 11-15, 2014 in Redmond, WA. During the session you’ll learn how to design, plan, implement, and support DirectAccess running on Windows Server 2012 R2. If you’re considering deploying DirectAccess this year, you won’t want to miss out on this event. If you register before June 4 you can save $300.00, so register today!

Common DirectAccess Implementation Mistakes

Here at Iron Networks we deploy Microsoft DirectAccess on a near daily basis for companies all over the world. We’ve gained a tremendous amount of experience doing this, and much of what we’ve learned over the years is baked in to our DirectAccess hardware appliance platform. Although you may be deploying DirectAccess for the first time, leveraging Iron Networks' solutions and services can ensure that you don’t make mistakes that others are prone to.

Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V and the IronPOD Converged Infrastructure Solution

One of the essential characteristics of a cloud computing infrastructure is resource pooling. A hypervisor is installed on individual systems to provide abstraction of the underlying hardware in order to provide resource pooling for compute resources. In the Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 operating system, the hypervisor is Hyper-V. Hyper-V is maturing at remarkable speeds, due in no small part to the fact that Microsoft leverages Hyper-V as the hypervisor for its public Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) offering, Windows Azure.

DirectAccess Webinar on October 3 2013

Are you interested in learning about Microsoft DirectAccess, the always-on, seamless and transparent remote access feature in Windows Server 2012? Then join me on Thursday, October 3, 2013 for a webinar where I’ll describe in detail what DirectAccess is, how it functions, what the benefits are for deploying DirectAccess in terms of security and ease of use, and much more. I’ll also provide you with information about how Iron Networks can assist you with deploying DirectAccess quickly and effectively by leveraging our advanced hardware appliance platform and professional services. You can register for the webinar here:

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