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Back nAppliance, Sonasoft deliver Exchange archiving appliance

eChannelNEWS (April 07, 2009): Appliance Networks has teamed up with Sonasoft Corp. to introduce enterprise class Exchange email archiving appliances that lower the TCO of archiving for enterprise customers, and make enterprise-level archiving affordable for the SMB market. The product, dubbed the Net-Archiver SonaVault series of appliances, enables businesses of all sizes, big or small, private or public to safeguard against future litigation risks, effectively scale and optimize the exchange server storage infrastructure, and improve simple day to day employee email records and access management. "By partnering with Sonasoft we are providing an enterprise class email archiving solution which is cost effective, and at the same time very function rich. The market is waiting for a state of the art archiving appliance solution that will effectively help index, preserve, and simplify day to day employee and email records and access management, achieve regulatory and eDiscovery compliance, and meet business continuity needs of organizations of all sizes at an affordable price. Our nAppliance team is really excited about this partnership and we are glad that we will be offering a unique appliance solution to the marketplace." said Billy Bath, Director Business Development of nAppliance.

Built using future-proof software components from Microsoft and Sonasoft, SonaVault appliance is an "all-in-one", cost-effective, scalable and tamper-proof Microsoft Exchange archiving platform. It effectively indexes, preserves, and manage all emails, achieving regulatory compliance and meeting business continuity needs of organizations of all sizes. The appliances are available in five models: nAppliance Mail Archiver 2110, 2125, 2250, 3110 and 3220. Model-2110 is priced at $5,999 in the U.S. which includes 100 mailbox licenses.


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